Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How do you prepare to move to another country?

Preparing to go to a place you have never lived before is very difficult. Not only do you have to pack a whole different wardrobe but it is all you think about in the weeks leading up to the move. What is my normal day going to look like? Will I be accepted? And most importantly is this God's Will for my life. How can you be sure of that?
I know my heart is down in the Dominican Republic, but is that enough? Or is this Satan just putting doubts into my head. He has been coming on pretty strong lately. Having me wrestle through things I shouldn't be wrestling with when preparing to go on the mission field.
But God's Grace covers over all, He will guide me on His path. Whom shall I fear?

Cleaning out my closet and donating 5 trash bags to the local Good Shepard center allows me to really feel what the Rich Young Ruler had to give up. Although this is just "stuff" its hard letting go, letting go of art you created in high school, or cheerleading pictures, or lifeguard t-shirts from my summer job. But it is also a relief, it is showing God I am giving up my comfort for You. These things will have no meaning in a few short years but the relationships and the gospel I spread that lasts forever. These are eternal things and that is what I was made for.

I am thankful for this opportunity and am just honored to be apart of His plan.

I think back on the life I have lived and think why. Why has God given me this calling, I am so unworthy to be a missionary and so ill equipped. He truly does call the least of these to be His servants and I am living proof of that.
Over and over again this past two months He has proven my worth as a child of God, bringing in support. People who encourage me, pray with me, and ask if I need anything to please call them. I am so thankful for the body of believers and how they are behind me, but more importantly they are behind God.
They believe in me because they know He believes in me, and that is the biggest reason I am going.

I have been in constant prayer for this Coffee Shop, all aspects of it, the customers, the employees, but most important the Gospel. I am going down to love thes

e people that God has made and loves dearly. I am going there because John 4:35 says that the fields are already white for harvest!

The question shouldn't be "Should I go?" The question should be "Why should I not go?"

God wants us to share the Gospel in all Nations.


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